Anna Kloth

Founder, Paradise Interns

Session: Talking Tik Tok: Why Should You Care and How To Make Your Brand Relatable
- , April 9th 2024, Deep dive
“I don’t get it” is usually the first phrase everyone says after spending a couple of minutes in the app. It’s more than lip-syncing selfies – Generation Z is rebelling against the curated Instagram aesthetic and is hungry for authentic stories and brands. Enter Anna.

She’ll tell you why Tik Tok deserves your attention, its role in today’s social media landscape and how to join the growing number of brands who are leveraging this new platform. Learn how Tik Tok’s skyrocketing user base can be harnessed as a powerful branding device and the next big deal in organic growth marketing.


Anna Kloth is a digital marketing and branding wizard for small businesses who rely on organic growth marketing. After living abroad for 7 years, inclusive of time as the Director of Marketing for Indonesia's largest dive company, she branched out to combine her love of teaching with her love of marketing. In the past 3 years since founding Paradise Interns and Paradise Consulting, she has single-handedly dragged the dive industry (kicking and screaming) into the 21st century of digital marketing. With young audiences and limited budgets, she’s constantly searching for the next trend that delivers longevity and organic reach.