Cate Murden

Founder, PUSH Mind & Body

Session: Climate Control in the Workplace
- , April 9th 2024, Strategy
We have uncovered that whilst office culture is both difficult and lengthy to change, there is something else, something more malleable and arguably just as powerful – that we can all have an effect on: Office Climate.

Climate is the little things, a gesture, behaviour, or your day to day emotions. Just as stress can be contagious and spread around an office like wildfire, so can positive feeling – this doesn’t have to come from leadership, it can come from anyone within the team and gives everyone the chance to make changes that can impact the bottom line and increase innovation.


Cate is the Founder of PUSH, a business consultancy grounded in human behaviour, answering business problems with people-focused solutions. Having been signed off with stress, Cate had a choice: go back to the safe corporate world that she had known, or take the chance to make a genuine difference. She made the first step to helping people, teams and companies work better... and has never looked back.